Why Mindful Breathing Can Enhance Your Boudoir Shoot

One thing that makes Embodied Art Boudoir stand out as a photography studio is my steadfast focus on mindfulness, meaningful intention & my focus on client growth. I have written many blogs that highlight my dedication to this, you can check them out here:

I’m passionate about mindfulness as my life has personally been transformed when I surrendered to its power, through yoga, meditation, journaling & other practices. Mindful breathing is one element that I want to focus on today. 

Woman standing with arms above head, looking senually at camera wearing matching black lingerie. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Mindfulness, mindful, mindful breathing, conscious breathe, relaxation, focus, presence, be present, self growth journey, mindful boudoir photography, female photographer, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir

Research highlights that our breathing is fully connected to our emotions, & that changing the way you breathe can literally change your mood! 

So if you are feeling happy & cheerful, your breath will tend to be slow & deep—all normal. But if you’re feeling stressed or upset, it can be fast, slow, & shallow—which only adds to that dreadful feeling of anxiety. When done correctly, mindful breathing has a lot of power to transform your mood & day. 

Let’s rewind a bit to learn more about what mindful breathing is, & its benefits. 

What Is Mindful Breathing & What Are The Benefits?

Proponents of mindful breathing say it can change your life, so there’s certainly something about it!  

We take A LOT of breaths daily—around 20,000 to be specific. Sure, some of those happen while we’re dozing so we aren’t aware of them, but what about the rest of the time? 

Mindful breathing is all about being present and feeling the sensational flow of air as it enters and leaves your body. No need to mess with it, just notice it, embrace it, and go with the flow!

Mindful breathing is a power move for your lungs. Deep breathing consists of big breaths while controlling the length, typically to achieve a desired outcome, like falling asleep or reaching a state of relaxation. 

By practicing techniques like mindful breathing, you’re not only tapping into your inner chill mode, but you’re also unlocking a trove of proven health benefits, including:

  • Reduced Anxiety
  • Reduced Depression 
  • Better Sleep 
  • Pain Relief 
  • Supports the management of blood pressure  
  • Increased compassion and positive emotions
  • Improved memory, attention, & focus
  • Increased relaxation 

How To Include Mindful Breathing Every Day 

The nice thing about mindful breathing is there really are no obstacles or accessibility challenges. You can follow breathing practices virtually anywhere! This could mean on a walk, at your desk,  in the shower, or on the couch…you get it 😉 

Some exercises I love:


This refers to a set of mindful breathing exercises that are practiced in certain forms of yoga. The term “pranayama” originates from Sanskrit and roughly translates to “control of breath.”

Pranayama comprises various breathing techniques, including both fast and slow-paced breathing, as well as alternate nostril breathing. Due to the diverse nature of these exercises, it is commonly recommended to follow the guidance of an instructor when starting your pranayama practice.

4-7-8 Technique 

This one is a simple yet effective practice. To do it:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable spot to either sit upright or lie down.
  2. Start by taking a deep exhalation, completely emptying your lungs.
  3. Inhale slowly through your nose, counting to 4 as you breathe in.
  4. Hold your breath for a count of 7 seconds.
  5. Now, exhale slowly and gently through your mouth for a count of 8 seconds.
  6. You can continue this pattern of 4-7-8 breathing for as long as you desire. 

Deep Breathing

Deep breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing, can work wonders in reducing anxiety and alleviating symptoms of stress. 

If you ever find yourself feeling short of breath, practicing mindful deep breathing can help you achieve those calming, deep, and full breaths of air that your body craves. The secret lies in paying attention to the way you breathe – the aim is to breathe from your belly rather than your chest.

Here’s a simple way to get started:

  1. Find a peaceful spot 
  2. Place one hand on your stomach, allowing yourself to connect with your breath.
  3. Slowly inhale for a count of 3 seconds, feeling your hand rise as your belly expands with each breath.
  4. Take a gentle pause, and then exhale slowly for 3 seconds, noticing how your hand falls as your belly contracts.

There are excellent resources via apps and Youtube too, such as BellyBio

Do you have any favorite breathing techniques that you do? Please let me know! 

The Importance of Mindful Breathing in Boudoir 

There are a lot of connections between mindful breathing and boudoir. 

No matter who you are or how many times you’ve been in front of the camera, there are ALWAYS nerves. I often think that nerves are misunderstood — they are not a bad thing! They are quite the opposite in that they can help you focus that energy toward good & positivity. 

Woman leaning on bed, with eyes closed looking peaceful, wearing matching bra and panties in white cream. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Mindfulness, mindful, mindful breathing, conscious breathe, relaxation, focus, presence, be present, self growth journey, mindful boudoir photography, female photographer, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir

One way to harness that nervous energy is with mindful breathing. During your shoot, when we place our attention toward the breath, the focus changes towards positivity & presence.  You can then allow yourself to detach from worry, any feelings of inadequacy that may pop up from your inner critic & future distractions. 

During your shoot, mindful breath can keep you focused without becoming distracted by thoughts. With this awareness, it becomes your choice what to do with them. Ideally, attention can be brought back to the present moment. If it’s negative, you can reframe it in a kind and helpful way. Ask yourself: is this kind? Is this helpful? Is it necessary? 

Woman leaning on bed, looking senually holding her chest, wearing a red body suit. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Mindfulness, mindful, mindful breathing, conscious breathe, relaxation, focus, presence, be present, self growth journey, mindful boudoir photography, female photographer, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir

If you’re new to mindful breathing & mindfulness, no problem! I always meet my clients where they are. You are the boss of the photoshoot, I am your guide. I will lead with clear instructions & gentleness, always. If something isn’t sitting right, I want you to feel safe & comfortable to address that with me. 

With mindful breath, you become present in the moment, not thinking about the future or the past. With each breath you can sink into your power, comfort & tune into your body. Anything that surfaces, we can do whatever you feel comfortable doing: discuss it, take a break, or just allow it to float by. 

This is mindful breathing & mindfulness — to witness and not always react.  

Woman sitting on bed, eyes closed holding her heart, wearing a matching black bra and undies. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Mindfulness, mindful, mindful breathing, conscious breathe, relaxation, focus, presence, be present, self growth journey, mindful boudoir photography, female photographer, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir

Your Mindful Boudoir Shoot Awaits!

I invite you to harness the transformative power of mindfulness in your life. Remember to give yourself grace, as mindful breathing does take time to get used to, especially since the brain loves distractions! 

If you’re ready to embark on a life-changing mindful boudoir photoshoot, fill out the form below!

Female sitting on the edge of bed, wearing a matching white lingerie set. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Mindfulness, mindful, mindful breathing, conscious breathe, relaxation, focus, presence, be present, self growth journey, mindful boudoir photography, female photographer, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir

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