Self Care for Busy Women

Blink – it’s Friday. Blink again – it’s Monday. Another week has flown by, and you haven’t had a chance to slow down and practice self-care. Sound familiar? 

Here’s a surprising news flash: self-care can multiply your superpowers. 

“Self-care and rest has the ability to inform and create access to more care and rest for everyone you meet, collaborate with, and influence.”

-Octavia Raheem

If you feel like there’s simply no time for self-care in your overwhelmingly busy life, this blog is for you. 

Because it needs to happen. Keep going without self-care & rest and burnout is inevitable. And burnout SUCKS. 

So especially when it feels like life is overwhelming you, it’s essential to create & defend your space to rest.

Brunette woman lying on her back, with her legs on the wall, wearing a black bralette and black panties. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Self care for busy women, relax and reset, self care, me time, take a break, vacation,  feminine photography, start small, forrest yoga, forrest, rechargeself care tips, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir, boudoir ideas, boudoir poses, boudoir inspiration, photography inspiration, boudoir session, boudoir photos

Start Small 

Changes can be overwhelming, so there is no need to overdo things by completely overhauling your life. 

There are so many small favors you can do for yourself that literally take seconds. 

Here are some to start with – hey – I encourage you to pick one while reading and do it right now!

  1. Take a deep breath: Stop what you’re doing and take 3-5 deep belly breaths. Do not underestimate the power of a deep breath, as it literally triggers your parasympathetic nervous system (aka your chill mode). 
  2. Stand up and stretch: Set a 45-second time, stand up, and do your favorite stretch. 
  3. Take a vacation: Close your eyes and conjure up an image of your happy place or dream destination. Spend a minute or two daydreaming about being there – visualizing like this gives you energy & motivation to make it happen! 
  4. Get off of technology: Close your computer, flip over your phone screen, and take an intentional break. Even 5 minutes makes a difference.
  5. Express gratitude: In front of a mirror or written in a journal, acknowledge 3 things you are very grateful for. 

Which did you do? How do you feel?

Being intentional about taking 5 minutes (or more!) for self-care won’t seem so overwhelming, I promise! 

Build A Regular Routine 

Once you’ve mastered the baby steps above, you can move on to more activities that still won’t consume your entire schedule. 

Consider your absolute ideal self-care routine. Maybe it’s one of your friend’s routines, something you read online or just activities that you would like to do more of. 

Ask yourself: “what part of this can I do?”

I learnt this question from my brilliant Forrest yoga teacher and it’s a practical question to shoo our negative bias away, to stop focusing on what we can’t do and instead focus on what we CAN do.  

Can it be a daily 5-minute meditation after you wake up, while you’re still lying in bed? Or a body scan to help you relax before falling asleep?

It could be a super simple 2-step skincare routine instead of the 6-step one you wish you had time for. 

It could be three deep belly breaths every time you sit in the car before you turn the car on and go. 

Think of what your dream is, then ask yourself: “what part of this can I do?”

Woman standing smiling joyfully wearing a matching red bralette and panties. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Self care for busy women, relax and reset, self care, me time, take a break, vacation,  feminine photography, start small, forrest yoga, forrest, rechargeself care tips, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir, boudoir ideas, boudoir poses, boudoir inspiration, photography inspiration, boudoir session, boudoir photos

Self-Care Suggestions for On-the-Go Women

I wanted this blog to be super tangible and inspire you to act on self-care…like right now! Yes, now! 

Here are a few things you can try today:

  • Go into your bathroom and see if you have any skincare products like sheet masks you can use to get some self-care in, while you’re doing something else around the house. 
  • Cancel and say no – being critical about your time is the best way to practice self-care. It can avoid stress, and anxiety, and invite more time for yourself and the things you love. Look at your to-do for NEXT WEEK and see if there are events/things you can cancel with advance notice.
  • Swap your cocktail for a mocktail.
  • Set a wind-down alarm for a realistic time to stop what you are doing and ensure you are getting a good night’s sleep, every single night (for me, it has to be an hour before I want to be sleeping)
  • Stop watching TV after work. Practice self-care at the end of a draining work day instead. 
  • Instead of an afternoon coffee or tea to beat the slump, take 15 mins for self-care – a guided meditation or breathwork session would be perfect. 
  • Cuddle your pet 
  • Have your morning coffee, tea, or water on your patio or sit by the window and watch the world go by for 5 minutes.
  • Hire a babysitter for an evening solo or for a date night. Yes, spending time with your partner can feel like self-care!
  • Every time you get in the car, take 3-5 deep belly breaths before you go.
  • Bonus Customization Tip: Spend 5 minutes journaling on your ideal self-care weekly routine. Pick ONE thing from the list to implement THIS WEEK.
Woman sitting on stool looking powerful wearing a dark blue bra and matching panties set.Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Self care for busy women, relax and reset, self care, me time, take a break, vacation,  feminine photography, start small, forrest yoga, forrest, rechargeself care tips, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir, boudoir ideas, boudoir poses, boudoir inspiration, photography inspiration, boudoir session, boudoir photos

If you’re looking for quick and inspiring daily resets for your mind and body, check out the Op_e___n app. I’ve been loving their daily practices – all under 10 minutes long. 

If you are looking for more inspiration, I suggest you take the time to read my other self-care blogs: 

Self-Care Is For Every Day! 

I want this blog to act like that protective bestie that only wants the best for you! I hope it has served as the reminder you needed today and that by making space for yourself, you’re actually being more productive!  

I am always on the hunt for new and creative approaches to self-care, as I know everyone has different needs. What is the go-to self-care practice you can’t live without?


Brunette woman lying on her back, with her legs on the wall, wearing a black bralette and black panties. Photo by Embodied Art Boudoir. Self care for busy women, relax and reset, self care, me time, take a break, vacation,  feminine photography, start small, forrest yoga, forrest, rechargeself care tips, colorado boudoir, denver boudoir, boulder boudoir, colorado springs boudoir, boudoir ideas, boudoir poses, boudoir inspiration, photography inspiration, boudoir session, boudoir photos

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